
2023/2024 Season


League Singles & Presentation Night 2018/19

League Singles Winner - Billy Johnstone (The Goth)

League Singles Runner up - Joe Miller (1314 'A')
Division 1 Champions - The Goth
Division 2 Champions - The Royal Oak
Division 1 Player of the Year - Graeme Orr (Lion & Unicorn) 19 x <18 darts
Albion Cup - Lion & Unicorn
League 4s - Cold Beer Company
League Triples - The Royal Oak
League Doubles - Holly Tree
 Dennis McManus Memorial Singles - Dennis Dowell (Lion & Unicorn)
JJ Hamilton (Div 1) Doubles - The Goth
Most 180s - Graham Cummings (Cold Beer Company) - 14
Best Doubles Leg - Don Haughton & Lewis Lyle (The Goth) - 17 darts
 Most Doubles Legs Under 27 darts - Don Haughton & Lewis Lyle (The Goth) 11 legs

Youths Tournament Winner - Gary Steven (The Goth)

Youths Tournament Runner up - Samuel Vargovsky (Tartan Arms)

League Singles & Presentation Night 2017/18

League Singles Winner- Ian Robertson (Cold Beer Company)

League Singles Runner up- Graeme Orr (Lion & Unicorn)

Division 1 Champions- Cold Beer Company

Division 2 Champions- Borestone 'B'

Division 1 Player of the Year- Stevie Plank (Cold Beer Company) 17 x <18 darts

Division 2 Player of the Year- G Hoggan (Borestone ‘B’) & D McNeil (Crossed Peels) - 3 x under 18 dart legs

Albion Cup (5-man team)- Allan Bridge 'A'

Culten Cup (4 Man team)- Lion & Unicorn

League Triples- Holly Tree

League Doubles- Holly Tree

 Dennis McManus Memorial Singles- Jamie MacKenzie (Holly Tree)

JJ Hamilton Div 1 Doubles- Cold Beer Company

Cross Keys Cup Div 2 Doubles- Borestone 'B' 

Best Singles Leg- Dennis Dowell (Lion & Unicorn) 13 darts x 2

Highest c/o- Mark Welsh (Lion & Unicorn) 160

Best Doubles Leg- Aaron Robertson & John Davidson (1314 'A') 18 darts

 Most Doubles Legs Under 27 darts- Stevie Plank & Graham Cummings (Cold Beer Company) 7 legs

Most 100+ Finishes- W Plank (Allan Bridge ‘A’) & P Fyfe (The Holly Tree) - 4

Most 180s- Dennis Dowell (Lion & Unicorn) - 9

Youths Tournament Winner- Connor Letford (Allan Bridge A)

 Youths Tournament Runner up- Gary Steven (The Goth)

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